
オーストラリア釣行記 Fishing Trip in Australia

わたくし、原田は昨年11月にオーストラリアに出張した際現地で軽くボートフィッシングをして参りました。ターゲットはエギングでイカ(Caramari)、餌釣りでキス(King George Whiting)です。

It is getting colder these days in Japan.
I believe everyone goes to fishing even this cold weather.
I went to Australia last November for business trip and went boat fishing in Melbourne.
The target was Caramari by Eging and King George Whiting by bait fishing.

場所:Queenscliff (メルボルン)

Date: November 23th, 2016
Place: Queenscliff (Melbourne)
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 15degree Celsius, colder than what I expected for south hemisphere


We woke up at 4am and had morning in a hurry.
And we headed to the port from Mr. Bruce’s place who is our agent in VIC state.
The boat we took was Mr. Bruce’s own one and I heard that it had quite strong power.
(I experienced the maximum power of it after the fishing. Just surprised how strong it was!)

ボートを車に繋ぎ、Bruceさん、弊社Australiaの代理店Black Pete社のJamesさんと車に乗り込み走る事小一時間、港に到着。Queenscliffはメルボルンの南に広がる湾、Port Phillip Bayの出口付近に位置する遠浅のエリアです。
タックルはライトゲーム用のロッド、リールにメインラインはPE1号程度、リーダーにはMomoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbon NEO pink10LB Momoi Shock Leader12LBです。

We connected the boat to the car and drove for an hour with Mr. Bruce and Mr. James from our distributor in Australia, Black Pete.
The destination for this time is Queencliff in the exit of Port Phillip Bay, which is located in south bay of Melbourne. This are is shallow of the shore.
Tackle was the rod and reel for light game and the mail line was PE #1.
Leader was Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbon Neo Pink, size 10lb and Momoi Shock Leader, size 12lb.

We departed the port at 6 am and headed to the point.
We arrived there in about 10minuts.
Surprisingly, the sea depth was only 3mtr(_;).
I heard that the depth of this area was all like this.
As I made up my mind to use only leader line and was sure that it was the best opportunity to check the potential of the Momoi’s leader line.


Firstly, caramari was our target by Eging.
The rod tip bent largely at the same time of setting the rod on the rod holder to wait for the hit after casting the Egi.
It was quite faster than usual.
Straightaway, I bring up the rod and wind it.
I felt half believe the fastness but anyway wind it up, and good size Caramari was hit.
Such a surprise Australia was, I did not imagine that I could get the hit from the first cast.
After this hit, we changed the point for some times and got the hit every time I casted.
In the blink of an eye, Caramari was full of the pail. .

In Japan, we do some light actions for the tip run Egging from boat but it is not necessary in Australia. I did some actions but hooked out when I tried to hook up.  
It was just adverse effect.

We moved to another point slightly after some catches and aim for the King George Whiting by bait fishing.
I equipped a sinker and a needle, and the bait was clam.
The depth was about 3mtr here as well.
I screamed in my mind “Only leader line!!!” and casted the rig.
The rod bent in a sudden and got the hit right after that.

ここのキスはKing George Whitingと呼ばれ、形も大きく美味しいと評判です。ここは是非とも頂きたいところでしたが当日にシドニーへ飛ぶことになっており断念…。

But the fish went away just after I tried to hook up.
Mr. Bruce said that the hit is very momentum so it was necessary to hook up immediately.
Again I focused on my mind and casted the bait one more time.
I felt the hit again very soon and hooking up correctly for this time.
Although I encouraged myself to enjoy the winding, the depth was only 3mtr so the target was fall into the landing net soon.
The whiting in Australia is called as King George Whiting and very popular to eat for the size and the taste. I was eager to taste it but had to give up as I had schedule to fly to Sydney on the date…

Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbon NEOはフロロの特徴である初期伸度の低さを最大限に生かし、かすかなあたりも逃しません。しかも高耐摩耗性故に1サイズ細くしても安心してお使い頂けます。国内では関西圏で展開しているフィッシングエイトグループ様で扱って頂いております!(ちゃっかり宣伝もしておかないと!(^^)!
I got this for full of the bucket for about an hour.  
Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbon Neo does not overlook the slight hit by making the most of the low primary elongation.
Also it is possible to use the 1 thinner size down because of the high abrasion resistance.
In Japan, this item is sold in Fishing eight group located in Kansai district.


As I had to go around the retailer shop in the morning, we stopped fishing around 9am.
And I experienced the maximum power of engine when we went back to the port.
Then big pelican had appeared like they were waiting for it.
Mr. Bruce kept the cutting fish but unnecessary parts were eaten by the pelican.

オーストラリアでは政府が主導となって環境の保護政策を進めており、このPort Phillip BayでもKing George Whitingの網での捕獲は規制されているとの事。それ故に魚の量も増え、釣り人を大いに楽しませてくれます。

In Australia, the government proceeds the environment protection policy and catching King George Whiting by net is regulated in Port Phillip Bay.
Therefore the amount of fish is increasing and fishers can enjoy very well.
Hiramasa is around the bay and fishers can get Marlin in the summer and South Tune is the winter.

I want to try bigger fish for my next challenge definitely. 

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